Cory Graham B.Sc., L.I.A.T. President & Lead Audiometric Technician
With years of experience and education in the industry, Cory really knows his stuff. He founded Hearing Innovators with a strong drive and focus on customer service. By working with each client’s unique needs, they come back year after year and have recommended us forward. Cory really understands that without our clients we are nothing, and therefore exist in service to them, preventing countless numbers of workers from losing their ability to hear life and loved ones.
Dana Orlukiewicz, B.Sc., L.I.A.T., Technician & Custom Hearing Protection.
Dana comes to Hearing Innovators with a background in biology. She has an enthusiastic persona which aligns well with our customer service focused business. Dana works with our custom hearing products and is also known in our office as the Report Queen. With a keen eye for detail, any experience dealing with Dana and you’ll soon realize that your program is in good hands.
Shannon Graham, B.Sc., Audiometric Technician & Admin
Shannon is a busy individual with a great knack for multi-tasking. Her background is actually in environmental science so we consistently ask her why she is here. In all seriousness, though, she has great organizational skills and keeps us all on our toes. Admin, accounting, and consulting on our programs Shannon wears many hats but handles them all well.
Clinical Audiologist & Reviewer
We have two audiologist consulting with Hearing Innovators Inc, both of them, Doctors in Audiology, members of the Canadian Academy of Audiologists, the Manitoba Speech and Hearing Association, and expertise in hearing assessments and auditory rehabilitation, including prescription of hearing aids.
The Part Timers
Hearing Innovators Inc. employs part time technicians during the busy seasons. These individuals are highly capable and well screened to work within our programs. If you are interested in working with us please contact Cory at